Hi. I am Alexis,
A french designer who can code.
I currently design productive tools at Veepee ↗
while always looking for interesting freelance projects.

Good Readings

Hello there, I’m Alexis 👋🏻, a Paris based designer currently focused on building design systems and shaping relevant interfaces. I’m deeply passionate about creating bridge between business vision and users expectations.

As a (UX) designer, I love working with agile methodologies in the whole lifecycle of a product in collaboration with the product manager and the developers : organizing workshops, listening to our users an shaping with them the tool they will use every day.

As a front-end designer, I understand the development team and — when I am not developing it myself — I always design with the front-end skills of the team in mind. I am used to implement my prototypes in vanilla HTML/CSS, JSX/CSS-in-JS or  ELM.

Besides my job I am a huge music-lover, a fitness addict, a book lover, a aesthetic admirer, a relentless onlooker & sometimes a geek.

I am currently learning p5.js for the purpose of making generative art.